What it is to be an Entrepreneur?

Entrepreneurship comes with its fair share of ups and downs. The most obvious advantage is the opportunity to be your own boss. Being in charge and making the important decisions regarding your business can be fulfilling, but it can also be challenging.

When you look entrepreneur in the dictionary, this is what you get:

1. a person who organizes and manages any enterprise, especially a business, usually with considerable initiative and risk.

2. an employer of productive labor; contractor.

When you look up entrepreneur in the thesaurus, this is what you get:

3. person who starts a business alone; also known as an administrator, contractor, executive, manager, producer, businessperson, founder, organizer, and promoter.

Depending on who you ask, it is a daunting task to be an entrepreneur.  Below are only a few pros and cons of being an entrepreneur:



  • You get to choose what you do and when.  You get to decide who you want to work with and where you want to work.


  • It’s exciting to be doing your own thing, whether it’s an e-commerce store from Brazil and shipping to the United States, or you want to bring your Brazilian brick and mortar store to the United States. Every day can be filled with new opportunities and challenges and this will help you with your determination, skills and ability to make your business grow.


  • Entrepreneurship allows you to determine how many hours you want to work and from where. You don’t have a boss or company that is watching over you and making sure you are clocking in and out and taking your breaks.


  • The amount of money you earn is determined by you, how hard you are working, and the success of your business. If you want to take your Brazilian e-commerce business to the next level, you will need to be working a lot of hours to make sure your products are being seen, clicked on, and purchased.



  • You get to choose what you do and when. Yes, this is a pro and con.  If you limit yourself to Who, What, Where, and Why, this can hurt your bottom dollar.  So be sure to not cut off your options.


  • Every day can be filled with new opportunities or obstacles that try to deter you from your goal. You need to be strong and willing to overcome these obstacles.


  • Hours of an entrepreneur can be very daunting. When you are just starting a business, there will be days that you are working from sunup to sundown.  Some days you will be so busy you forget to eat.


  • You are not guaranteed an income. You don’t have that “job security” when you are just getting started in the entrepreneurial world.  Being an entrepreneur means that you have given up on the security of a paycheck from the company.


The American Dream is within reach, and  ReachOut Business Solutions wants to help your international business reach the American audience.  We help new and existing companies expand, reach new customers and establish a presence in new markets. We have years of experience helping businesses succeed in the competitive U.S. market. Contact us today to see how we can bring your product to a new audience.
