7 Myths About Social Media for Businesses

Mistakes Most Businesses Make About Social Media

Although social media marketing has become incredibly popular over the years, it can be pretty surprising how much of what we’ve come to believe about social media is wrong. In order to achieve real results from social media, it is important to address and dispel some of the most common myths that can often hold business owners back.


1. Social Media is Free — While it doesn’t cost anything to create a Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest or Instagram account, you can bet that it will cost time and money in order to get these platforms to show your content to current and potential customers. On top of that, you will also need to invest time to research, manage and continuously refine your efforts on all your social media platforms.


2. Social Media is For Creating New Customers — Most business owners make the mistake of thinking that social media is only for attracting new customers. The fact of the matter is most of the people whom you are communicating through social media are your current customers. Make sure that you recognize this and focus on building loyalty and retention rather than acquisition alone.


3. Social Media Can Replace Your Website — While more people are likely going to discover your brand through social media than by stumbling onto your website alone, it is important not to discredit how important your website is in converting sales. Most transactions on the internet occur outside of social media, even if the process may begin there.


4. Social Media Is Not Measurable — With the help of an expert, you can measure your efforts on social media by enabling tracking codes and creating landing pages.


5. Every Social Media Platform is Valuable — Most business owners are tempted to use all of the social media platforms at once when implementing a social media marketing campaign. However, in reality, only two or three social media channels will produce the results you want. Be strategic and expand to the next channel when the time is right.


6. More Followers Equal Success — It is easy to be disappointed when comparing likes or followers of your brand, but just because a person follows your profile doesn’t mean he or she is interested in buying from you or even cares about your brand. Instead, focus on more meaningful forms of engagement, such as click-throughs to your website.


7. Social Media will Replace Face-to-Face Networking — While it is important to create a voice and build customer loyalty through social media, people still crave real-life face-to-face communication from brands they like. Make sure that you encourage customers to reach out to you and visit your brick and mortar store if you have one.


Like any other marketing tactic, it is important that you invest in research and hard work to establish an effective social media marketing strategy. At ReachOut Business Solutions, we have the experience and knowledge needed to help you achieve the marketing results you want. Contact us today to schedule a consultation.
