How To Find Good Salespeople for Your Business

7 Mistakes to Avoid When Trying to Hire Salespeople 

Salespeople are pivotal to the success of a business. Excellent salespeople not only make one-time sales but build long-term customer relationships that result in repeat sales, referrals and an increase of a business’s brand reputation through word-of-mouth. Because selling is such a personal interaction, it is important that you have salespeople who can build loyalty and trust between the business and the customers. But finding great salespeople can often be challenging. Should you simply post a job listing on your business website and hope for applications to trickle in? Or do you take a more active approach?

Follow us as we go over the 7 mistakes you should avoid when looking to hire salespeople for your business:

Not Taking Advantage of Social Media

Many business owners fail to utilize social media to find good salespeople. Platforms such as LinkedIn and Facebook have groups that appeal to salespeople in your industry. You can also use social media to browse a candidate’s qualifications and experience.

Not Asking Existing Customers

Customers will often remember the salespeople they really connected with and like. It is a huge mistake when business owners don’t think to ask existing customers for referrals of people they’ve enjoyed working with. 

Not Posting Ads

Not utilizing every platform available is another mistake that business owners make when trying to find good salespeople. Not only should you attract salespeople by posting your listing online, but you should also consider posting an ad in the local newspaper and relevant trade publications.

Not Attending Trade Shows

Trade shows provide great opportunities for networking and are often industry specific, making them not only great places to find customers but salespeople as well. Take the time to speak to salespeople from other brands at trade shows to find salespeople looking for new products or services to represent.

Not Following Up on Referrals 

Sometimes the best referrals come from people you know. Ask your friends, associates or suppliers for referrals of good salespeople in need of a change. One of the biggest mistakes we often see business owners make is not following up on these referrals. 

Not Engaging with People Everywhere You Go

Salespeople can be found everywhere. They can be ringing you up at the counter, in line next to you at the store, or even trying to sell you a car. Identifying good salespeople everywhere you go can help you spot a potential addition to your sales team. 

Not Looking to Your Competitors’

Sometimes the best salespeople come from within the industry. Business owners sometimes make the mistake of overlooking good salespeople working for their competitors. Look for salespeople who may be unhappy or burned out with the product or service they’re currently selling. 

Salespeople will always be important in helping a business grow and succeed, even in this digital age. Although technology has transformed the way businesses communicate with prospects and customers, personal phone calls and face-to-face meetings will always provide certain benefits that technology can’t replicate. Having good, reliable salespeople on your team means better business growth, lead conversion, and customer retention. 

At Reachout Business Solutions, we are highly skilled at helping businesses succeed and thrive. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and while you’re at it, don’t forget to like and follow us on TwitterLinkedIn, and Facebook.
